Come study the Bible

Gospel meeting flyer
church building

What To Expect When You Attend
Our Worship Services

You will be welcomed every time you attend.

You will be our honored guest, and our members will treat you cordially. You will be asked nothing more than to give a careful hearing to the Word that is preached. Please come, see, and listen.

You will hear plain and simple Biblical preaching.

We have no man-made creed or doctrine. You may expect the preacher and teachers to cite book, chapter, and verse for what they teach. Our theme will not be political, economic, or social in nature; it will all be spiritual in nature.

You will not observe any show of ostentation.

We are not interested in impressing anyone with our meeting place. We will not have a candlelight service, nor will we dim the lighting for effect.

You will hear edifying congregational singing.

All present will be invited to join together in singing praises to God. There will be no choir or solo singing, but all of our voices will be offered through the name of Christ.

You will not observe entertainment of any kind.

We do not give any parties. You will not be offered any refreshments, either before or after worship. There will be no band, nor any mechanical instruments of music to entertain you. Neither will we be showing movies for your entertainment.

You will hear public prayers offered to God.

On several occasions during the service, we will offer public prayers to our God, the God of the Bible. Since Jesus Christ is the one Mediator between God and man, these prayers will be offered in His name.

You will not be called upon to testify.

No one will be embarrassed by being asked for any kind of a demonstration from the audience. You will not be asked to either raise your hand or stand to indicate whether or not you are on the road to Heaven.

You will not be expected to contribute any money.

The work here is fully supported by the freewill offerings of our members on the first day of every week.

You will be given the opportunity to obey the gospel.

We cannot force you to be obedient, and we will not try to do so; the choice is yours alone. There will not be any embarrassing propositions; you will simply be invited.

You may find more information about
the Eastside church of Christ here.

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